© 2025
Total Sonic Media
We can accept cash, check, money order, international wire transfer, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, CashApp, Venmo and PayPal. All payments must be received denominated in US dollars. Payments via Visa, MasterCard, Amex, CashApp or bank account, can be made securely online with Square, a free service. Payments via Venmo should be sent to https://www.venmo.com/u/TotalSonic Payments via PayPal should be sent to https://www.paypal.me/totalsonicmedia If you wish to pay with Visa, Mastercard or Amex directly - please provide card #, expiration date, 3 digit security code (after card # on back of card), name as it appears on card, and billing address for card by calling +1-718-594-0859. Checks or money orders should be made payable to “Total Sonic Media” Checks must clear the bank prior to the release of any masters. Payments made with an International Wire Transfer are charged an additional $20 fee per transfer. Please email us for instructions on how to make these if you wish to use this option. Unless arrangements for other terms are approved in advance by TSM in writing, any balance due must be paid in full at the end of any attended studio session, and/or prior to the release or posting of any master/session files, tapes, drives or discs. Accounts that have checks returned to us for non-payment are subject to an additional $40 fee. Any scheduled attended studio sessions that are cancelled without a 24 hour notice are subject to an $80 cancellation fee. All orders made with Total Sonic Media constitute acceptance of our Standard Terms and Conditions.
We can accept cash, check, money order, international wire transfer, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, CashApp, Venmo and PayPal. All payments must be received denominated in US dollars. Payments via Visa, MasterCard, Amex, CashApp or bank account, can be made securely online with Square, a free service. Payments via Venmo should be sent to https://www.venmo.com/u/TotalSonic Payments via PayPal should be sent to https://www.paypal.me/totalsonicmedia If you wish to pay with Visa, Mastercard or Amex directly - please provide card #, expiration date, 3 digit security code (after card # on back of card), name as it appears on card, and billing address for card by calling +1-718-594-0859. Checks or money orders should be made payable to “Total Sonic Media” Checks must clear the bank prior to the release of any masters. Payments made with an International Wire Transfer are charged an additional $20 fee per transfer. Please email us for instructions on how to make these if you wish to use this option. Unless arrangements for other terms are approved in advance by TSM in writing, any balance due must be paid in full at the end of any attended studio session, and/or prior to the release or posting of any master/session files, tapes, drives or discs. Accounts that have checks returned to us for non-payment are subject to an additional $40 fee. Any scheduled attended studio sessions that are cancelled without a 24 hour notice are subject to an $80 cancellation fee. All orders made with Total Sonic Media constitute acceptance of our Standard Terms and Conditions.
© 2025
Total Sonic Media