© 2025
Total Sonic Media
A “reference” is any file, disc or tape that we create that represents how the audio in your master will sound that is sent to you first for your approval prior to making any masters. In general for releases going to standard digital downloads and/or streams, and for Compact Disc - we will provide 16bit 44.1kHz stereo wav files that represent exactly how the masters will sound via an email containing a link to download these files off of the internet. We also can send mp3’s as references on request - our default for these is at 320kbps for the best sound quality but on request we can send at lower bitrates so you can hear what your music will sound like at commonly encoded rates as well. For hi-res releases (for either hi-res downloads or for vinyl pre-master) we will send references as 24bit stereo wav files at the sample rate requested (in general we default to 96kHz, but we can also provide other rates on request as well). On request we can also send CD-R (for either CD Audio or Enhanced CD) or DVD-R (for DVD-Audio) discs. For us to create a “master” means we have first received your approval - meaning that you are completely satisfied with every aspect of the references and have notified us via email, text or message - and that you do not wish any further changes or revisions to be made. Once an approval is received we go ahead and do a quality control listen through (aka “QC”) of all the material in its entirety through headphones. If we locate any clearly undesired artifacts (such as clicks, ticks, pops, crackles, dropouts, distortions, etc.), we fix these, if possible to do so transparently, by applying digital restoration tools solely on the region containing the artifacts prior to creating the final master files. We then create the final formats to the specifications required by your digital distributor, CD pressing plant, CD-R duplicator, or vinyl mastering studio - and then upload these to you (or on your request can upload these directly to your CD manufacturer or vinyl record pressing facility if you provide upload info for them to us.) Please email us if you have any questions!
A “reference” is any file, disc or tape that we create that represents how the audio in your master will sound that is sent to you first for your approval prior to making any masters. In general for releases going to standard digital downloads and/or streams, and for Compact Disc - we will provide 16bit 44.1kHz stereo wav files that represent exactly how the masters will sound via an email containing a link to download these files off of the internet. We also can send mp3’s as references on request - our default for these is at 320kbps for the best sound quality but on request we can send at lower bitrates so you can hear what your music will sound like at commonly encoded rates as well. For hi-res releases (for either hi-res downloads or for vinyl pre-master) we will send references as 24bit stereo wav files at the sample rate requested (in general we default to 96kHz, but we can also provide other rates on request as well). On request we can also send CD-R (for either CD Audio or Enhanced CD) or DVD-R (for DVD-Audio) discs. For us to create a “master” means we have first received your approval - meaning that you are completely satisfied with every aspect of the references and have notified us via email, text or message - and that you do not wish any further changes or revisions to be made. Once an approval is received we go ahead and do a quality control listen through (aka “QC”) of all the material in its entirety through headphones. If we locate any clearly undesired artifacts (such as clicks, ticks, pops, crackles, dropouts, distortions, etc.), we fix these, if possible to do so transparently, by applying digital restoration tools solely on the region containing the artifacts prior to creating the final master files. We then create the final formats to the specifications required by your digital distributor, CD pressing plant, CD-R duplicator, or vinyl mastering studio - and then upload these to you (or on your request can upload these directly to your CD manufacturer or vinyl record pressing facility if you provide upload info for them to us.) Please email us if you have any questions!
© 2025
Total Sonic Media