© 2025
Total Sonic Media

All work that is charged with a PACKAGE PRICE includes ONE REVISION (including any new uploads

needed) after you receive your reference files or discs if “corrections” are necessary for NO EXTRA


“Corrections” for this purpose are defined as only: changes in any processing applied (such as eq, compression, limiting, noise reduction, stereo image enhancement) per track level changes necessary changes for any written instructions that by oversight were missed - as long as they were provided prior to the creation of the reference adjusting placement of PQ indexes (i.e. track or pause id's) or gaps between songs “Changes” for any revision are billed at $80/hour (in 1/4 hour increments) - with time needed to be quoted after receiving the change request - and include: changing the sequence to anything other than what was provided in written instructions adding tracks or replacing tracks with new mixes splices or other edits or changes that were not made clear in writing prior to the creation of the reference any revisions made to work that was done in an Attended Studio session where you were present (although at TSM's discretion we may apply a discount for this if we feel it is warranted by the circumstances) any further revisions made after the first free revision has been made for an order with a package price (although at TSM's discretion we may apply a discount for this if we feel it is warranted by the circumstances) Having stated all that : Your satisfaction with the final product is our greatest goal and we'll go out of our way to make sure you are completely happy with the way your final master sounds!

All work that is charged with a PACKAGE

PRICE includes ONE REVISION (includ-

ing any new uploads needed) after you

receive your reference files or discs if

“corrections” are necessary for NO


“Corrections” for this purpose are defined as only: changes in any processing applied (such as eq, compression, limiting, noise reduction, stereo image enhancement) per track level changes necessary changes for any written instructions that by oversight were missed - as long as they were provided prior to the creation of the reference adjusting placement of PQ indexes (i.e. track or pause id's) or gaps between songs “Changes” for any revision are billed at $80/hour (in 1/4 hour increments) - with time needed to be quoted after receiving the change request - and include: changing the sequence to anything other than what was provided in written instructions adding tracks or replacing tracks with new mixes splices or other edits or changes that were not made clear in writing prior to the creation of the reference any revisions made to work that was done in an Attended Studio session where you were present (although at TSM's discretion we may apply a discount for this if we feel it is warranted by the circumstances) any further revisions made after the first free revision has been made for an order with a package price (although at TSM's discretion we may apply a discount for this if we feel it is warranted by the circumstances) Having stated all that : Your satisfaction with the final product is our greatest goal and we'll go out of our way to make sure you are completely happy with the way your final master sounds!
© 2025
Total Sonic Media